I have a Rak on offer as I have reached over 5000 downloads from my cut files, since June; alls I would like from those who wish to participate is a poem for the arrival of a new born baby, it can be for either sex. Leave the poem along with your name on my blog. The Rak contains the following:
Base Camp Cricut Cartridge
Anita’s coloured Stickers ‘Reindeers’
Papermania card stock stickers – Alphabet
50 Adhesive quote sticker pad ‘LOVE’
Alphabet stickers in green/gold and silver
Small pack of papers 6”2
Papermania element stickers
Gold and Red Glitter Pots 16g
Anita’s clear reindeer stamp, includes clear block
2 Whisper Pens Red & Green
Craft Ribbon Brown/Blue
Papermania 3 pigment Stamp sets
Papermania fabric Accessories (2 flowers and 2 butterflies)
Studio 2 x Miniture stamp Sets
What an amazing RAK!
poem for a new baby (by Dr. Seuss)
Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
Love the RAK!
Here is my poem from poemsource.com
A Baby Changes Things
A baby changes things;
They’ll never be the same;
Your life is filled with wonder,
Since your little miracle came.
There’s lots of things to do now,
But with the new tasks you face,
Your family gains more love,
And bonds time will never erase.
Congratulations on your new addition!
By Karl and Joanna Fuchs
My baby, My love
a gift from Heaven above!
I long to see you and hold you tight. I'll love you forever with all my might.
Soon you'll be here and then I'll know why new mothers have that special glow.
I am counting the days, can't wait to see my bundle of joy looking back at me.
Thanks for the wonderful RAK!!
the greatest love you will ever receive is the love of a child........congratulations on your new arrival
What a fantastic RAK! Thanks for the opportunity!
Here's my poem...actually it's by Helen Steiner Rice :)
(Helen Steiner Rice)
A wee bit of heaven
drifted down from above -
A handful of happiness,
a heartful of love.
The mystery of life,
so sacred and sweet -
The giver of joy
so deep and complete.
Precious and priceless,
so lovable, too -
The world's sweetest miracle,
baby, is you.
Debbie Miller05:
Congratulations on your new arrival! Just remember... Babies are subject to change without notice.
A Celebration of Life
By Author Unknown
Gather 'round and celebrate
the joy that has been given.
A gift of love - of flesh and blood.
A tiny bit of heaven.
See the wonder of it all,
and marvel at the sight,
Share the happiness we know,
celebrate the life.
Make memories of the times to come,
of hours and days and years.
Mark down each step, each task,
each word - the laughter and the tears.
For a celebration of life is such,
that one must never be
In too big a hurry to stop
and smell... to feel... to touch... to see.
Yes, gather 'round and celebrate
the life that has been given,
A gift of love - of hope eternal.
Our tiny bit of heaven.
Great RAK!!! TIA! sara57marie from the cricut message board :)
Collect Sweet Memories
I/We hear you have a new addition,
A sweet little gal who is quite a magician,
Transforming each normal adult who sees her
To a comical fool just trying to please her. She'll wrap you around her little finger,
As around her crib you often linger,
Searching for what can make your hearts twirl--
The adorable smile of your baby girl. Cherish each moment while she's still small.
Collect sweet memories for later recall.
For when she's grown up and on her own,
You'll wonder where the time has flown.
Wow! I found three... these are from a program on my computer.
1st ~
Front: A new little person, it makes the heart sing, and brings such joy to EVERYTHING!
Inside: Congratulations on the birth of your (son/daughter)
2nd ~
Front: May the precious new life in your family bring happiness today and always -
Inside: Congratulations on the birth of your child
3rd ~
There is nothing in the world like the sight of a baby's smile, the sound of a baby's first word...
...the smell of a baby's poopy diaper in close quarters!
Cricut MB: dsnygrl07
A Baby is a Miracle
This little tiny baby
Was sent from God above
To fill our hearts with happiness
And touch our lives with love
He must have known
We'd give our all
And always do our best
To give our precious baby love
And be grateful and so blessed
Found this one on babysite.org - thought it was cute. Congrats and it is sweet of you to do such a great RAK. Your cards are amazing, you have super creative ideas. Thank you for sharing them with us. doodlesnscraps (Amanda)
This poem is by Christine Michaels:
Thank you for my little one,
I know we will have lots of fun.
Help me to be firm and wise
and see things through my child's eyes.
Give me courage and patience too
so I'll know the right things to do.
Please show me what I need to know
so I can help my child grow.
Thank you for this life you've shared
trusting me to take great care.
Help me please to always see
the blessing you have given me!
WOW! Great RAK!
I love this poem by Helen Steiner Rice....
(Helen Steiner Rice)
A wee bit of heaven
drifted down from above -
A handful of happiness,
a heartful of love.
The mystery of life,
so sacred and sweet -
The giver of joy
so deep and complete.
Precious and priceless,
so lovable, too -
The world's sweetest miracle,
baby, is you.
Melissa Allore from the Cricut Board!
Here is a cute poem--what a great rak--Thanks
10 tiny fingers ready to play,
10 tiny toes dancing away,
2 tiny hands to hold from the start,
1 precious smile that touches your heart.
Congrats on your blog! This is a wonderful RAK, thanks so much for doing it. So far these are all wonderful! Here is my submission:
I see the moon and the moon sees me! God blessed the moon and God blessed ME!
awesome RAK!! Thanks for the opportunity. This is more of a quote by an unknown author than a poem, but I love it.
To the world you may be one person
But to one person you may be the world
Precious one,
So small,
So sweet
Dancing in
on angel feet
Straight from Heaven's
brightest star
What a miracle
you are!
This poem was found at a website that I like, babysite.org It did not list an author so I am not sure who wrote it.
Babies are Angels that fly to the earth,
their wings disappear at the time of their birth
one look in their eyes and we're never the same
They're part of us now and that part has a name
That part is your heart and a bond that won't sever
our Babies are Angels, we love them forever.
Great blog. Loving all the babay peoms. What a great RAK thanks for doing it for us.
10 tiny fingers ready to play,
10 tiny toes dancing away,
2 tiny hands to hold from the start,
1 precious smile that touches your heart.
A sweet little treasure
sent from above,
a coo and a smile,
wrapped up in love...
on your new baby!
Awesome RAK!!! Thanks!!
This is not a poem, but my favorite bible scripture about have a baby!!!
"For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him"
1 Samuel 1:27
Here is one of my favorites:
For where thou art - there is the world itself.
My most favorite is in my signature on the cricut MB - To the world you might be just one person, but to one person you might be the world.
Thanks for the chance.
Oh I forgot to add my id: This was AMYD from Cricut MB
Anonymous said...
Here is one of my favorites:
For where thou art - there is the world itself.
My most favorite is in my signature on the cricut MB - To the world you might be just one person, but to one person you might be the world.
Thanks for the chance.
04 November 2008 20:17
A Baby is Teddy Bears, Rattles, Powder and Pins, Meals at Midnight.... Giggles and Grins
That's an amazing RAK. I will feel like I've died and gone to paper crafter's heaven if I win that!
Thanks from a newbie to Cricut for your fabulous blog.
The world shines bright with endless possibilities each time a little child is born.
Peggy Estes
thank you again for the incredible RAK
A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. -Eda J. Le Shan
Cricut MB: ClaireD
OOps, forgot to say Congrats and thanks for having this awesome RAK!
MB: ClaireD
Congrats on all those downloads and thanks for the amazing RAK that you're sharing with someone.
my verse...
I see your home has grown by two feet!
and what an awesome RAK! Thanks for the chance!!
A Baby is . . .
A baby is cuddles and tickles on toes,
the sweet scent of powder, a kiss on the nose!
A baby is teddy bears, rattles and pins,
meals at midnight... giggles and grins.
Laurie U.
Cricut MB: ThirdJoy
Congratulations on the newest addition to your family! May each day with your buddle of joy add more love to your family!
Congratulations on all those downloads!!
This is a fave of mine and my mom:
Dust go away,
Cobwebs go to sleep,
I'm rockin' my baby,
'Cause babies don't keep!
Here is mine Ruth, it is from Greeting Card Factory.
A bouncing little baby boy
is always so much fun,
for you will fin his presence brings delight to everyone!
So as you kiss and cuddle him
and show him off as well,
my all his smiles keep bringing ou
more joys than words can tell.
Thanks for your genorosity
Wow what a RAK
Not a poem exactly just a little something made up:
A New Baby. . here is something you should know;
They each come with a return policy. . .
In return for your love you will receive;
dirty diapers
late night feedings
spit up on your clothes
And more love than you can use up in a lifetime.
Congratulations on your New Arrival.
The greatest gift
A gift of life
A gift of love
A gift of hope
from God above.
What a great RAK, I would certainly love to be the winner. Here's a little something for a baby card. It is part of the lyrics from Whitney Houston's song The Greatest Love of All, and how true, our kids really are our greatest love of all. Hope you like it and many thanks for all your great crafts and for sharing.
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.
Thank you
Welcome. A cute little baby made from love. Truely a gift from heaven above.
This is a wonderful rak you are doing. Thank you for taking the time.
Blessings come in many shapes,
In sizes large and small,
But a brand new little baby
is the sweetest of them all.
Congrats on 5,000!!! :)
I am sitting here surfing a little as clicking with my mouse seems doable where typing not so much. But I had to type at such a wonderful chance, thank you...and a baby too!
Oh little one with eyes so large,
my heart has never beat so hard.
Each thump so loud within my ear,
each chime of hope and some of fear.
My sweet, my life, my soul, my heart,
to think in you I've played a part.
Forever I shall rejoice this day,
when my wee precious miracle came home to stay.
Thanks for this RAK! I have one for a boy and one for a girl.
Here's the poem:
Little boys are treasures
who are worth their weight in gold.
And charm everyone around them
From the time they're minutes old.
They're mommy's little darling, they're a special pal to dad,
And they bring the very happiest days the family has ever had.
(one for a girl)
There's nothing like a new baby girl. To touch your heart and bring you joy. A little girl, so pretty in pink, to make you smile with just one wink.
The most wonderful blessing to ever come our way!
Thanks! Tanya
MB Name: Scrappydew
WOW Ruth, what a RAK...I would love to be inclued I have heard alot about Base Camp.. congrats on the # of downloads.
Blessings come in many shapes,
In sizes large and small,
But a brand new little baby
is the sweetest of them all.
Thanks again
Live your life like there is no tomorrow.
Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths you take..but rather by the number of moments that take your breath away.
Thank you for your kindness in this special RAK.
Tanya Howe
"A baby is Gods opinion that the world should go on" - Carl Sandburg
"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide to forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body" - Elizabeth Stone
Two more of my favorites - I wanted to give credit to the authors so I had to look for my book today. AmyD - Cricut MB
i found this while browsing on line and thought all new parents or any parent should here it
You have been entrusted with a fantastic treasure
and an awesome responsibility.
God has chosen you to protect, nurture,
and guide this innocent life.
There will be times that you wonder
if you’re the right person for the job
(every new parent does).
Your emotions, your patience, your stamina,
your virtue, your selflessness, and the very core
of your character will all be tested over the years.
You are worthy of the task.
And as your reward, you will come to know love
that it was not possible for you to even imagine
before you became a parent.
You will be amazed by the things your baby
seems to already know by instinct.
You will get to witness and take part in
the astonishing miracles that take place as your child
grows and learns from you and from the world.
And you will be awed by the feeling that you get
when God sprinkles in those moments for you
to simply hold your child close and love.
God put this child in the right hands.
You have the tools you need.
You are ready for the trials and
you are ready for the joy.
Congratulations and welcome to parenthood!
May God continue to bless you, your new baby, and your whole family.
i found it on this site
Congrats on the downloads. It is not surprising though. You do such amazing work. Who would not want to use your cuts? Thanks again for sharing. Here is a poem I love.
Cristina Lee
Cherish This Time
So your baby is here!
What joy and what pleasure!
Now your life is expanding,
To make room for this treasure.
A darling newcomer
To have and to hold--
Her (His) smiles are more precious
Than silver or gold.
She’ll (He’ll) demolish your schedule
Though she’s helpless and small;
She’ll make her needs known,
And she’ll rule over all.
See, a new parent’s work
Is just never quite done,
But you’ll never mind,
‘Cause it’s all so much fun.
When you hear her cute giggle
You’ll start "aahing" and "oohing,"
And she’ll soon reply back
By "ga ga" and "goo gooing."
Those big innocent eyes
See a world strange and new;
To make sense of it all
She’ll look only to you.
So cherish this time
Of miraculous things--
The excitement and wonder
That a new baby brings.
By Joanna Fuchs
thankyou for giving us the chance to win some lovely goodies Ruth,
Here's my verse
You received a blessing
Fate looked on you both and smiled
We wish you congratulations
On the birth of your new child.
Congrats on your 5000th! What a generous RAK you're offering too. Thanks!
I've never had the occasion to make up a poem for a new arrival so I'll just have to do my best - (an original creation).
The ground rumbled and grumbled
A light turned bright
A world turned upside down.
An Angel cries and the Parent-Blurs come into sight.
Soft warm arms and Love changes a smile from a frown.
Welcome little one.
You are safe and sound.
You decorate the front of the card with a house and family or stamp baby feet.
Heard your home is growing by 2 feet
Cricut MB
The Miracle of You
We waited many long years
Shed many tears
While waiting to get the news
Of you coming into our lives
You were a surprise to us
But that was nothing to those around us
They knew you’d be the best
You be the perfect addition to our nest
Your journey was nothing short of surprises
You had us guessing at every turn
Through all the tears
Came another page in our book that we would earn
Then that day arrived so early
Two months early
Oh my, could it be
Me a Mom to be and your Father a Dad to be
You made your way
Now with our eyes we could see
You are here
Our family is complete
We’re happy that you made us
A family so complete
You are so dear
To your Father and Me, your Mother
We love you son!
©Leah Pagliaroli
This is the poem I wrote for our son. The poem will also be on my blog.
A Natural High
What else could bring you so much joy
As the arrival of your baby boy!
His snuggly charms now capture you;
He's in your thoughts in all you do.
Nothing can fill you so full of glee
As bouncing your little boy on your knee.
His precious antics please mom and dad;
He's a bundle of blessings, this little lad!
His boyish grin enchants everyone;
He's just what you wanted--your boy, your son.
A baby boy is a natural high,
So have lots of fun with your little guy.
By Joanna Fuchs
Thank you so much for offering such generous blog candy!!!!
Here is a poem I have made:
"Twinkle, Twinkle little toes,
Rosy cheeks and a button nose.
You are so special and so sweet,
You have fulfilled our life's and made them complete."
Lana x
Wow, 5000 downloads! That is great. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great RAK.
Here are a couple I love:
A sweet little treasure
sent from above,
a coo and a smile,
wrapped up in love...
on your new baby!
Our love has grown by two feet! (with a pic of baby feet or a stamp)
Thanks again
I love your little fingers,
I adore your little toes,
Your eyes are full of wonder,
Your smile melts my heart.
Happy Birthday little baby,
We're so happy you are here!!
What an amazingly wonderful RAK!!!
here's one that I wrote a short time ago.
Congrats to you and your family too,
On a bundle of joy, so special and new,
may you treasure each day,
watching each and everything thing they do,
For if you blink, it may seem to be that your baby goes from birth to 23.
congratulations to you from me!
Life is a Joy...
With a Little Girl or Boy!
So, the day after Election Day..this is a quote from the Milwaukee Journal:
"A perfect example of minority rule is a baby in the house."
Made me smile...rule is the same for my two year old grandson!
Jeane jcamp2020@aol.com
A baby is cuddles and tickles on toes,
The sweet scent of powder, a kiss on the nose.
A baby is teddy bears, rattles, powder, and pins,
Meals at midnight, giggles, and grins
author unknown.
Love you blog and thanks for doing this wonderful rak
Congrats and thanks for a great RAK!!! Tammie
Lyrics BABY OF MINE from Dumbo
Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine
If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you
From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine
I love this song and always sang it to my girls. :D
A precious gift from the Lord above…
To fill your home and hearts with love.
Babies are God's way of saying the world must go on.
Giggles and curls ~ ribbons and bows ~ she's just so adorable from her head to her toes!
Parents hold their children's hands for a while,
their hearts forever.
Those are my ideas..
Thank you for the opportunity..
Rock-a-bye Baby
(by Ruth Hulbert Hamilton
adapted by Wendy Lyn)
Cleaning and scrubbing
can wait 'til tomorrow
For babies grow up,
we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs,
Dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby
and babies don't keep.
This is one of my faves:
Hear you have a new baby in the house. Many happy sleepless nights!
Thanks for the wonderful RAK! :)
(b&wsmommy from cricut.com)
congratulations on you blog
Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, every fresh and radiant possibility.
---Kate Douglass Wiggins
What an awesome rak. I hope you find a poem you really like.
here's mine:
I thought of you today as you came to my mind.
I thought of the day you would be born and I would love you till the end of time.
I thought of your smiles and sweet kisses too.
I thought of everything life would bring you through.
Now the time is coming near
When your voice I will soon hear.
I can't wait till that day comes and it's you I see,
Because I promise you that no one in this world will love you as much as me.
------By Jeanette Hull 2008
Jeanette Hull cricut mb StmpArtist@aol.com
What an awesome rak. Hope you're successful finding what you want. :)
When you teach your child,
You teach your child's child.
Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone
Thanks for having this wonderful RAK. I have my fingers crossed, never won anything before.
Kindest Regards, EricaKadrmas from cricut.com Message boards
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