I feel so lucky yet another award this time given to me by Andie check out her blog it's inspirational, thankyou Andie for the award I'm honoured to receive it. Now the rules to this award are the same as the last reward I received:
1.You need to name 5 things you are addicted to, as I have previously given these I'm gonna give the next 5 addictions I have in line!
2.Put this award on your Blog and link it to the person who gave it to you.
3.Nominate 5 Bloggers and leave a comment on their Blog.
The next 5 addictions I have are: 1. Reading ~2. My family ~3. Shoes!!! ~4. Buying Socks (I have a couple of draws full! it's a hidden way of expression!) ~5. Sudoko (I have many different forms available to me of being able to work this puzzle!).
So My nominees are in no particular order:
* Lillie
* Jen C
* Shelly
* Caardvarks
* TeriBeri
Although I visit these blogs a lot, there are many blogs I could have awarded this award too as just looking at another persons blog inspires me with my own creativity; to the people I have nominated you are all incredibly talented and please accept this award, for my recognition of that.
Thank you so very much for this award and for all the nice comments about my work!!!!!!! I feel so honored!!! Hugs, T
Thank you Rue!! :o) So many things to post so little time. I promise to pay this forward soon.
Thank you so much Ruth. I knew someone had given me an award, and could not remember who...Duh~~, I also gave you one, and like me you never got around to posting. lol It must be an age thing girlfriend!
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