Papercraft and other creations made
using a variety of means;
cricut/design studio with
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Thursday, 16 April 2009
Enterprise cut file
This cut file was requested in the Cricut Design Studio forum but no one stepped up to do the challenge so here is my take! Outline only though! Designed using GBS.
I love it! I'll definitely be downloading this! I have a friend I'll invite to the opening of the new star trek movie next month, so I'll have to figure out a card for him using it!!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Elements post on May. 18, 2009. Thanks again.
Whilst I don't charge for the downloading of any of my cut files, you can all appreciate the amount of time and effort that goes into my designs. If you would like to make a small donation via paypal by way of thanks, it would be gratefully appreciated.
If you are interested in any of my designs for product development or publication, please contact me by email.
Hi Ruth, another great file.
I have something for you over on my blog.
Tina x
I love it! I'll definitely be downloading this! I have a friend I'll invite to the opening of the new star trek movie next month, so I'll have to figure out a card for him using it!!
Thank you so much for taking on this challenge. I attempted something this was baaaadddd. I know I will eventually get the hang of this DS!!
Great work!
Lisa Sturgill
wow you did a great job Ruth, thanks so mutch for sharing.
hug Linda
fantastic files pop over to my blog l have left you something
A lot of Trekkies are going to love this one, Ruth!
PJ (Jessie Adams)
WOW!! My DH is a huge trekkie, I can't wait to make him something with this cut!!!
This is a great .cut file! I can see myself using this for my son's birthday. He is a true Trekie! Great job! And as always, thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Elements post on May. 18, 2009. Thanks again.
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